ARE you into this trend? Worried about the RULES,RITUALS AND RELIGION and into your REBELLION? CENTURIES of confusing has lead all down the “R” road to discover we were all lead astray. We can thank God Creator we found our way through the dark corridors of deceit and brain control of  a lost world. How can the blind lead the blind? By the blind I mean spiritual inept in practice and wisdom.

Pushing the RULES as a control instead of a helping way to complete a process was one of the many ways the lost world proceeded to place the children in a binding,bondage of slavery to world systems of conformance. What was right or wrong became a blurred image in our minds. Free will became the enemy to the masses like a virus that needed a vaccination to be control by definition of the lost. To know what is right or wrong is truly a spiritual wisdom and the understanding can not be as black and white as the LOST comprehended it to be.The signs of the coming and going of spirit has taking a turn inward and the Lost are looking from the outward for help as this is LOST perception. Those of the LOST have  no spiritual insights as the RULES become their God. The deeper perception have be torn from their minds in sins of greed,pride and self ego which they have cling to for comfort and securities. As many lost say ” I can do all with any help from God or others.” Many find reasoning as the solution to problems and troubles of Rules set forth in The commandments by God. A clash of conflicts surrounds this issue of “What are the real Rules?” and the Lost have fought to remove the foundation of RIGHT AND WRONG as a protestation to change to the rule of the people. Spiritual children of light and wisdom have all written on the Heart and a knowing in spirit the commandments are from a caring and loving parent Creator God.As spiritual convicts of all wrong as judge and not the Lost of a world system.When a child of God turns to sin instead of following spiritual ways to perform any action the resistance creates negative energies. Rules are firmly set by spirit not by man interpretation

Rituals are the outward expression to a idol in a third dimension sense. A representation to ease the Lost in their need for outward physical senses of touching,seeing, and.smelling what they use their finite minds as a God. As the incense waft towards the heavenly skies and prayers of repetitive words cutter the sense and lull the practitioners to their deep sleep physically the spirit lays dormant within not noticed.What did the candle burning represent but only a fire not a Honoring to a living God of spiritual influence. All done for the Glory of God? or for the men that collect the ill gotten goods of offerings to fill their pockets and laugh at the ones that pay for the lighting to keep their love-ones safe or escape from a Hell.In the darkness of the LOST the Ritual of lighting becomes the light and not the light within through spiritual enlightenment awareness that God is with us!

Religion for the masses and the LOST has had a somewhat success but, not able to bring agreement in the children.As disagreements continue because the Holy Spirit  has only come to a few in the church buildings and because of  PRIDE “my church or denomination is better than yours” has taken first place in this so honor tradition. Are the spiritually filled in the church building? We know the answer and we know why.So the church has become a monument to the  a LOST system of the money takers and question unanswered by those who have left for spiritual renewal.

Rebellion is energy of a fresh spiritual child of God that brought justice and release to a control world system of man’s Rules and laws of their reasoning.Without this very important factor the world would have gone to “Hell in that hand basket”, Because of the Survival of the living SPIRIT of rebellion that kept growing within all is well. There was a need for God that was in the seed of the children who rejected the conformists attributes that continue in the LOST system. When the echo of “we are not of this world but in this world” became an awareness in spirit rebellion helped to overcome the world. We are still in the process of rebellion as we claim our oneness in the God of the “ONE” OUR GOD SOURCE CREATOR.

The children have always play the games of the world  “FOLLOW THE LEADER” “SIMON SAYS” and ‘mother may I” AND now the order is  “What would Jesus do?” should be your new game.Or if you prefer ” What would God do?” A creator God creates and does not destroy because these are the attributes of a creator.And spirit=spirit  and energy is energy and we are that which is creation.544ab05c23cd7_image


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