CLOSE YOUR EYES TAKE A BREATH,TAKE NOT A MOMENT PLACE ME WITH THE LORD. MANY BELIEVE TO BE DEAD YOU COME INTO THE PRESENT OF THE LORD. As science brings us more understanding of what happens at the moment of death of the physical body we need to understand the moment of the spirit/soul also.The body is made of corruptible material of flesh and bone that will began a process of continuing cells deterioration.As it is in this state of dying from the moment of birth. The spark of life enters at the moment of the sperm and egg meet to start the process of development of cells and form a structure according to the program of the dna of the combination of the cells involved in the making of this joining together. This is the beginning of a gathering  of the outer vessel called the body. As the third month comes to this vessel the brain forms and the spinal cord this begins the connection of the spiritual connection. The process goes into a thinking and dreaming mode and starts receiving thoughts from the mother through the cords of the vibrations along the spinal cord into the brain stem and then to the brain for processing. This information is the new science of understanding and reasoning of the dna and it part in the life of the program that takes over to create the personality,skills and traits of the person human. Animals do have dna also but does not contain the same components such as the brain parts of reasoning. We have talked only of the mechanics of the outer shell the vessel.

Now the discussion about the spiritual/soul existence which is a big concern  or most people. As the body vessel goes through the process called death the spirit/soul is not dying because it is not corrupted by the death process. It is energy and light and matter that is create is never destroy. The energy needs energy so it goes to that which it was and returns to that energy. If you think of a parasite that attaches to living organism that needs it to live you can understand why the spirit energy needs a host to live on.When the host can no longer provide food energy and life to the parasite the parasite detaches itself. The spirit seeks energy to keep it’s life continuing. So this is the understanding of to be BODILY dead is to be present with the LORD OR GOD THE ENERGY FROM WHICH IT COMES FROM. What part goes to God. ALL of the spirit/soul goes to God. When Jesus release His spirit on the cross he did so that His body would die and be put in the tomb. Now the rising of the body needed a spirit to come back in the body  to prove that he resurrected from the tomb on the third day.The spirit was kept with God while the body lay in the tomb. AS WITH LAZARUS when Jesus called his spirit to come back into the body. With this example of Lazarus we can see that the spirit could be placed back in a body after death had occurred to the vessel. As Lazarus awoke from his death processes and was called forth in spirit his body became alive again and walk out of the tomb.This is proof of the spirit ruling over the body. The body of Jesus was death and the body the two women saw was  a new body that the spirit of Jesus took over so he could walk in the garden. But the woman knew that the spirit was Jesus.The body OF JESUS WAS NOT IN THE TOMB.But the cloth was there with an image of a miracle transformation only seen by a negative photograph. The body when through the cloth and the image remained.We are still working to find answers  about this transference of the body of the image on the cloth.When Jesus when to the Father he returned to the disciples to show his wounds to them. This is truly a  sign of control of Jesus to create and change  HIS body by His powers.

We want to communicate with our love ones even though we know they are not in the body but in spirit. As we are told the spirit that comes to us is the Holy spirit. God speaks of the comforter He would send to us. We have found that we can called on the Holy spirit for our prayers and healing. We know that the brain has contains a GOD part and new discoveries are coming every day. To understand energy of the spirit will be a giant step for believers. Many mediums are allowing energy transmissions to come trough them. The real question is are these transmissions the love one speaking or transmissions that the medium has brought in their own imagination. To get validation or conformation is very important to all information given to you. We know that the brain does go on after the breathing stops. So therefore  I have been able to validate the finally thoughts and the reason for the death of the body.  But information after the finally transmission this is yet to been brought forth by any know medium at this present writing.Most medium are ask are their love ones Happy. We know that in spirit their is no pain because there is no pain but in the physical body.

there is more to come about this subject as I am a student of all words that can be offered. thank you be blessed